Sunday, August 17, 2003

school starts tommorrow

Tommorrow marks the 3rd academic year at SMU. Dear is kinda stressed going to school all over again after like 4 years, and I guess it must be pretty scary, I mean, well, first day at school sorta thing. Almost felt the same way at NTU the other time, and felt like shit being lost. (Hey but can't blame me, NTU is like freaking big?)

Being in NTU for the past month did kinda evoke certain emotions in me, particularly because there is one Professor in NTU who always seem to subtly pick on us, saying things like,

"I thought SMU students like to contribute in class a lot.."

Pretty uncalled for huh. I don't know. But I guess in a really tiny way it reflects how we should get out into the world and look at things from the other angle, like you know how people always say Singaporeans are very shallow and haven't seen the world and thinks too much about themselves? This is probably a small representation, as I see how people view my own institution, vs the things we are so used to say in our own school.

In a certain way it has kinda prepared me for the overseas exchange. I know Ping is always ready, but to me, being emotionally ready and physically ready is different. What I probably learn from NTU is, you probably got to get used to being disappointed.

It's not a big deal, NTU's pretty cool, the hall environment and shit, but the school culture? Nah, SMU culture rocks.

Checklist for school:
Lan Card

Okay, all set for classes. :P

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