Monday, September 26, 2005


I know that everyone knows how it feels like when you are still kinda hanging on. The breathe you hold on to when you click onto his blog to see what he has to say.

Right now, I am feeling pretty good about this particular man of my past and his blog I stumbled upon. Reading his entries, seeing how he has moved on in life in the last few years, how he now shares his dream with someone else, has someone else to cook the food I once did, I smiled, and this really good sensation just came (never as good as an org of course).

Because I know that I have totally absolutely let go him already. I even feel so happy for him. It's almost like hearing from an old friend after so many years, but even better. Because I don't need to face him. And I want it to remain like this: absolutely nothing from him, as it has been for the past few years. No suppers no phonecalls. There are some people who you just want to cut off all ties with, and just let that memory remain.

We used to...

And that's that.

And Ping, I happen to just know that there is someone you want to do the same about. Don't you just love me for knowing. And for the everyone else who wishes he/she could, perhaps it just takes time. But maybe though, there may never come a time, where enough is enough.

1 comment:

i believe i can fly said...


i agree with uUu