Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Life as a mummy day zero

Birth story

I started leaking some watery discharge which I wasn't too sure of nature for the past 2 days. To be in the side of precaution, we decided to go get it checked out in the middle of the night. We arrived at hospital at abt 3 in the morning.  After admissions and filling up registration, went to triage at 4.   Informed by nurse in triage that it was not the water bag that was broken, but my blood pressure was high - and it has never been throughout the whole pregnancy. I was at 4cm -2 station 70 effaced, and the on call doctor Dr Francz advised for me to be admitted and induced, since we have planned the induction on Thursday anyways. At 4.30 we got admitted to birthing ward 215. Contractions started and we wanted to discuss the possibility of not getting induced since labour has progressed. At  4.45 contractions were 5 - 6 mins apart. At 5.30 contractions were 4 - 5 mins apart and started getting painful, but bearable. At 6.30 contractions got to 3 - 4 mins apart and by  7.30 contractions 3 min apart, becoming unbearably painful especially in my lower back, where my old injury from the skating incident was. I asked myself if I can handle this pain for potentially the next 5 to 10 hours and the answer was no, so I requested for epi. At  8.15, the epi done. Finally I got some rest! I felt little to no contractions and slept till about 10, where my progress was checked and I was at 6 cm. The water bag was broken by the doctor at 10.30 in hope of speeding up the progress, and sure enough at 12.30 I was already 9.5 cm! My lower back pain came back even with the epi, and eventually at 1.25pm I was fully dilated! The nurse suggested for me to start the pushing with each lower back pain. And finally, at 2.04pm, after 40 minutes of pushing, Emma came to this world, delivered at 6 lbs 13 oz (3.1 kg), 20.5 inches tall, head 12.75 inch chest 12.5 inches.

I suffered some tears but it's healing okay. My baby girl is now 42 hours old and there is nothing I would change about the experience because everything was so worth it when you hold her in your arms for the first time, knowing this is the very thing you created, and protected from the world for 40 weeks and 3 days. This beautiful little girl who decided to come on her own terms, decide on her own birth date. Love you so much already. X

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