Sunday, February 09, 2003

Of bad games and fear of embarrassment at InterVarsity Polytechnic Games
7 games today. Wrist aching.

Scores goes something like

120s x 3
130s x 1
140s x 1
160s x 2

Total average like 136.

Tell me,
How to compete?

But at least I think the guys team has hope this year. Last year sucks, for the guys. Girls were not sia suay but never win in the mid range sort. This year we have a few powerful freshies. Really not bad eh...
And today was fun, think the bowling club people are quite alright kind. Though we are a lil' distant from each other cos' we don't exactly know one another, but it's getting a little better with today's outing. It's so fun when you strike or spare and people cheer for you so loud and encourage you when you do a split or open frame. Need more of these sort of outings to niam all of us together.

Anyway of a totally irrelevant note, I found out that my bowling glove is call "The Lifter". Pretty nifty eh. :D

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