Wednesday, July 21, 2004

6 days to Thailand, and Terrific Tuesday was a day where I manage to strike off lots of my To-dos. I managed to do my Visa, bought my Travel Insurance, bought Lonely Planet Thailand ($20 bucks off Kino price no less) and looked around Far East to check out the latest trends so as to continue my e-business plans.  I even sneaked a 1/2 price waffle at Gelare (Tuesday is Waffle day!) And today I managed to pack my luggage, or should I say instead, chose the clothes I intend to bring over. 15kg limit + a land of unlimited cheap clothings and everything else doesn't make things too easy. Good bye my only worn once (or not yet worn!) Mangoes, Zaras. Let's pray they won't go out of fashion come December.

I'm getting quite a bit excited as the date nears, but it's still quite hard to just pack and go. Like I have been Nokia-ing the past many weekends and hardly spent time with my family ( I am, a very family oriented person). And during weeknights, I'm usually just occupied with saving the world with my thumb and index finger on this thing called the Playstation and a shiny CD with FF printed. With my domestic pet as well. (So gonna miss you!)

Plus all the friends I have not met the whole holiday because of my internship, all the dinner dates that I forgot, we put off or whatever. I'm sorry! Please forgive me!

Btw, I just subscribed to a yahoo mail cos I realised it has 100mb storage. Yummy. Goodbye silly 2mb hotmail. Email me at effyhui (at) yahoo (dot) com okay?

Btw, I realised that the latest trends in Friendster is people put their Convo pics. (Okae, yes I am THAT bored and THAT no life!)

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