Thursday, May 26, 2005


When His Majesty the Great PM Lee visited Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, he said we have to understand that there will be differences in views between the nations for certain issues, eg rewriting the history of the WWII in their textbooks and the shrine.

I'm sure on an individual level, one would have faced such a problem. But it's about putting your view across, to let the other party know why you think that way.

But why is it that it take so much effort to do this for some people, and others, you just look at them and they know.

It breaks my heart to see someone so close to me in this shit hole. Everyday. But can I go and slap that person awake, ask that person to grow up, wake up? No. Politically incorrect.

But c'mon. You've come to this point in your life where you should honestly think of the future you 2 are sharing together. And I mean really together together, bond by that band around your fingers.

I'm so glad I have you guys. You who most of the time know what I'm trying to put across without too much effort. You who have almost the same frequency as me. Or you who don't, but still manage to understand me. Or you who don't understand, but let it go. Because it's a bloody unimportant thing.

I cannot imagine having hair pulling teeth clenching conversations with everyone. Having to explain the rationale of my actions, about 5 times, and still misread. Like now. And it's not even about global politics, it's about things as stupid as, why one would go for many short trips, but others rather save for one big trip.

C'mon. We know, to each his own. Else, travel agencies at Golden Mile would have gone out of business if people stop going up North for the weekend. Bas Sekolah would not have been activated at KL on Vesak Day week to send too many Singaporeans back home.

And yet it goes on and on.

The world does not revolve around your views.

Conclusion? On top of being able to blow me away with his vocal chords, play an instrument, love me to bits, not fat, not nag at the number of shoes and bags and tops I own, be on the same level as me in terms of the way we want the whole relationship to run, he better be able to understand and communicate properly. If I need to explain something more than twice, out you go.

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