Thursday, February 05, 2004

Okay, so here's how tough my life seem to be. Just completed my assignment due tommorrow. You could probably check out the time I blogged this down. Apart from this, another one coming next week alongside 2 test on the same day. And another following week. Did I mention they are like ACCT and FNCE related?

Apart from that, I still want to squeeeeze in a bit of jobs here and there to fulfill my Americano (or anywhere else also can la) dream and of course milk the cows for the coming-soon vday lah, his bday lah, anniv la. All at the same month.

Anyway I think this is a silly observation but me and apparently my friends (who are all of you) like to plan things such a way that no time is to be wasted. Even if it's to buy bus stamp, we also include a trip to the library to borrow Espanol books and eat dinner. Even walking from a building to another in SMU to run some errands too, we plan out the route, mentally or not.

What's this, the curse of the modern world? Everything also must plan plan plan.

No more imprompteus in life.

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