Monday, March 19, 2007

Growing old

This is so out of the blue but in the midst of my very busy working life that is not entirely satisfying (it isn't a full time job anyways), my mind wandered off and instead of planning whether I should head back to the British Isles or stay here and be blissfully loved, suddenly I was thinking of who I would like to be with till the end of time.

So first I think of who I want: then pictures of friends flash through my head and I do a yes, no, hmm i'm not sure in my head.

Next filter comes not just who I'd like to be with, but who I think will make it with me. Who will bother to put in the effort. Then second round of filter.

Some people are pretty random. Never meet up frequently. But it warms my heart just thinking of them. Some just gives me the shudder. Some are just disappointing, that I know will not be there. Some do not deserve to be in the picture.

So finally, I have a comfortable number of friends that I conclude will be there. And that makes me happy.

Are you one?

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