Sunday, May 26, 2002

The girls in my life (Part One)

I decided to be a lil dramatic and have a more interesting entry today because well, the day is just a normal day for me, nothing much to boast about. Went out for dinner with Zhi Ping and Adrian, and when i was on my way home i suddenly decided that it will be an interesting thing to analyse my girlfriends, all of them seemingly very different in character, looks and everything else. How then do they qualify as my kakis?

Side track for a sec. I saw the hi fi of my dreams at carrefour today! It's SGD 399. No MONEY. i need about 100 for my bowling glove, another 100 for my jeans. MONEY! WHERE ART THOU (and your friends)

In no order of merit,

Girl No. One

Sia Zhi Ping
Is : NTU Business Studies
Was : My JC Bandmate

Zhi Ping would qualify as the girl next door, the kind that most guys would love to bring home to show their mums. She is much guai-er the the other 3 of us, does not go clubbing, pubbing or go out too late at night. She has this queer habit of resting the day after each day out, so if we go out on Monday, we can only see her again on Wednesday, cos she needs to recuperate her tired body for the day.
She is the observer in our group, although talks a lot (of cock), but in general is quieter and would love to just "watch us and be happy". She does not like to wear bikini, nor suntan, nor hang out much at the beach, so usually when we do so she'll be our mummy and stay at the corner of the pool and then bring the towels to us. *awww*
My impact on her : Was out with her today and she said that i brought out the crazy side of her everytime we go out (wtf???!?!?!) cos usually when she goes out with her friends she keeps quiet and be well, the observer, But with me she talks cock and laughs and laughs. Somehow she likes to call me up at night to get her daily dosage of laughter before she sleep. Luckily it is not everynight, otherwise i would be quite a busy girl.
She is those kinda girl that plans things before hand, like even the wishlist she also prioritise them and thinks of how to go about achieving her wishes. The most amazing thing she does is she writes down her expenses for the day and in fact plans ahead how much she will spend, even for small small things like food and barang barangs. She brings this small black book out to write down whenever she spends!
She is much more hardworking than any of us, does better in studies naturally, but always insisted that we are just as intelligent, unlike some people who pretends to not study and scores well, she is always willing to help me and Ping despite how hopeless we are in statistics. (I got a C-, so erm you know how well she teaches :P )

Overall, she is totally not like me, we are different in character, thinking, behaving, everything. But somehow we get along, and we get along pretty well, conclusion: It does not take birds with same feathers to flock together.

Girl No. Two

Lee Ping - my Mee Sua girl
Is: SMU Business Management
Was: There was no was

Ping is my friend that i found when i went to SMU. We were not that close for like the first 2 months of school, from OBS to school, until we did the Business Law project together did we start to be more friendly. Actually i also dunno when we started being so comfortable with each other, but what the heck.
The 2 of us are more similar in certain ways compared to Zhi Ping. At least both of us love the sun, that is why we can travel around the world just to get some sunshine, although well just at the corridoor of your house you get sunlight. We are both lazy, had similar experience in skipping school, skipping lectures and failing tests. That made us very same. We are thought as the twins among our friends, cos you hardly see 1 without seeing the other. The most common words you hear in school when you are not with the other would be "Hey where is [insert the other twin's name]?" It's pretty weird how 2 person can get so close within such a short period of time. Not that i mind of course.
We are both big worriers of our tummy, but most of the time speaks louder than the actions. *sigh* :P We are always having new ventures of dieting scheme, but in a way or another, it fails. We fall - to temptations. :D But at least we started trying. That is a good start. LOL
We are both lovers of Levi's 599, and all day long the biggest aim in our life is to fit into jeans an inch smaller than what we are wearing now. We are both inactive members of the SMU Judo club, and is still white belt after so long
But we have our differences as well. She is the more garang kinda girl who claims to have the never say die attitude. And her dressing is more garang too, and mine is more guniang. I can wear frills and skirts, but she usually frown at them, and give her award winning disgusted look with head hanging up high slanting to the left pretending to look at signboards(?)
She hates bowling. I love bowling. She hates arcade. I am okay with it. I play quite a lot of games, like FFIX lar, all that, but she doesn't at all.
My impact in her life : Whenever anyone goes suntanning, human nature will make you compare your tan to the person you are tanning with, and that makes her pretty miserable. By nature she is a xiaobai, as much as she hates being called so, but she is. She loses her tan faster than she gets it, and i am more blessed (?) with a longer lasting and faster achieving tan everytime, anytime.
I am a tad more hardworking than her, and seeing me study/doing homework/whatever stresses her big time and she usually will go and study.............. for a whille.

That's my 2 girls. More coming up. Soon la!

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