Saturday, January 10, 2004

Have you ever had a part time job that has so much politics involved at so many levels with so many people?

Seems like in every organisation there will be a/some bastard boss, some boot lickers that suck up to him, hypocritical boss, multi-faced people, people more favored, people having special privileges, victimised people and gossipers which makes up the rest of the organisation.

1 don't like 2 just a small bit, 1 tells 3, 3 tells 4, asks 4 not to let 2 work, miscommunications follows, 5, 6 don't get to work, but all the while there are 7,8,9,10s who are always not working, doing shit, breaking rules etc, but because they fall into the boot lickers or special privileged people, they get away scot free, causing victimised people to be affected, and they only find out when the gossipers tell them.

Thing is, I know it is in human nature to kinda hide feelings, especially unpleasant ones. But when it comes to work, I think people have to be more open. And not stab people's back and all of the sudden, one may get sacked without knowing why.

Isn't that what managers are supposed to know? Oh I forgot, no wonder they are still ICs of roadshows. Forever will be there then.

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