Friday, January 03, 2003

Got a few comments that are personally brought to me, not in the comment boxes. One of them said he was walked around school from primary school to secondary by the principal (my bro) and andy told me he got into his first secondary school fight on the first day of school. lol.

Anyway, spent the day swimming @ Bayshore, then ate A LOT at NYDC in the evening with my YEP Project Aegis family - sisters, brothers. *smiles* All the not-very hard work at the pool is all gone with the wind, after a baked pasta and a mochamisu + other cheesecakes + other ice creams. 5 dessert shared by 5 ppl.

Played pool after that, like crap. Spent more than half hour to complete 3 games. But all in the name of good fun. Was good. Had fun. But really, either it's the ball, or the cue. Or maybe the table. Or the pocket. (as quoted by Ping)

Not our fault!

Anyway we quarrelled again, but is okay now, I think. :(

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